Dorothy: Why when I was a baby I learned to stand up?**
Mom: Well, first you learned to roll over, and then to sit up, and then to stand, and then to walk, and then to jump, and next when you are bigger you will learn to skip, then drive a car.**
Dorothy: And you will get littler and littler and then you will be in a car seat.
Dorothy: I want a different doll. I want the one that has no hair, just a line.
Dorothy is starting to notice that her Mama is tall:**
After Mom & Dad stood up in church, she announced loudly, "You are big. You are small."**
I pointed out at dinner that her fork was enormous. She said, "It's enormous, like you."
Dorothy is possibly at her cutest when she wakes. She launches right into whatever is in her mind, with no pleasantries or explanation. I wrote down her first morning words for the last week:**
Sunday: I'm still tired.**
Monday: Can I have some chocolate chips?**
Tuesday: The thing you were reading about is missing.**
Wednesday: Mama, wake up. It's morning.**
Thursday: Can we visit Evan & Eden?**
Friday: When we were at the playground I wanted to get in the thing that was at the playground.**
Saturday: Where's my baby bunny?