Dorothy: I don't want raviolios. I want boney elbow pasta.
Dorothy wanted nail polish remover. She asked for "wetness that goes on your toes to move off your toenail polish".
Good questions to ponder (or Google), courtesy of Dorothy:
How does morning change to night? How does it change back to morning?
How does your phone take pictures?
How do your eyes move?
I ordered a raincoat for Dorothy and tried it on her at home. I was considering returning it when Dorothy announced, "Mom, I learned to pull the tag off!"
I mentioned that we would not need to pack a lunch for school on Friday because they were going to have a pizza party. Dorothy asked, "Lots of pizza or one pizza?"
Sarah: Let's go to the couch and look at some books.
Dorothy: Yes, and read them!
Sarah: Ewww, don't lick me. That's yucky. What would Gram say?
Dorothy: But this is our house.