I gave Dorothy some canned fruit cocktail, and she argued that it was not actually a cocktail. I told her that a cocktail means a mix of different ingredients, and she argued that I sometimes make a drink for her that is a cocktail. "Well," I said, "that's a mix of a drink and ice." "Well," she said, "sometimes you give me a mix of water and ice and call it a cocktail, and technically ice and water are the same thing."
Dorothy said, "Oh no! I stretched out my slinky! Can somebody stretch it in?"
Dorothy was playing detective and wanted to create a distraction, or as she said, "a distractment."
We had not let Dorothy watch any cartoons one day, and she argued, "Your child should have 2 hours of screen time each day."
Walking in the heat, I commented, "It's like a sauna out here." Dorothy agreed, "Yeah, even though I don't know what that feels like."
We picked up groceries which included something from Pillsbury, and she looked at the bag and asked, "What's in there? I see the Puff Man!"
We were discussing cookie dough, and Dorothy commented that kids "can't eat rotten eggs."