I leaned over the back of the couch, arms flailing and bottom in the air, to retrieve something that had fallen. "You look like me when I'm having fun!" Dorothy remarked.
In the movie Clue, the killer hangs up the call of the victim on the base of an old-fashioned phone. "Can you really hang up a phone by pushing those buttons?" Dorothy asked.
Dorothy is enjoying a series of books about a girl named Amelia, who grows older in each book. "A kid asked if there is going to be a book about Amelia in high school and college," Dorothy told me. "How do you know that?" I asked. "It says it on the back of the book," she told me. "Oh," I answered, "and what did the author say?" "It wasn't the author, it was Amelia," Dorothy responded, "and she said she can't see into the future."