Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Sunday Funnies

We like to taste the flavors of Skittles.  Recently, I gave Dorothy M&Ms, and she tasted each color and let me know the following:
Red is red apple.
Green is lime.
Orange is orange.
Yellow is lemon.
Brown is chocolate chip.
Blue is all the flavors mixed together.

I love hearing Dorothy's language come together.  She filled a cup until it was overflowing with water, and said, "Oops.  I think I need fewer water."

I guess I don't dress up enough.  I donned a dress and jewelry for an event on Monday evening.  Dorothy wouldn't quit saying, "Mom, you look so beautiful.  Your dress looks beautiful.  Your earrings look beautiful.  Your shoes look beautiful.  Your eyes look beautiful."  The next morning, snuggling in pajamas and with nothing on the agenda that day, Dorothy woke me from bed with the request, "Mom, you looked so beautiful yesterday.  Can you wear that same outfit again today?"

We were playing camping and I took out Dorothy's magnetic fishing pole and fish.  She told me, "We can catch these but we aren't going to eat them.  These are 'Up Fish'.  We can catch them because they can live up out of water."