Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Sunday Funnies

Dorothy has a book with stories of "radical women".  One story was about a child born as a boy who liked wearing dresses and wanted to be a girl.  Dorothy asked why he was included in the book.  I said, "Maybe he asked, 'Please, pretty please, put me in the book.'"  "Oh, I get it," Dorothy responded knowingly, "pretty..."

We've been watching a yoga show for kids on YouTube.  The first day's story was about the Wizard of Oz, which might have subconsciously influenced Dorothy's repetition of "namaste" as "witches never stay."

On this yoga show, the host is in front of a green screen with a background of the day's theme (such as the Land of Oz or the Frozen castle).  Today, she was standing in a garish, cartoonish living room, and with coronavirus on her mind, Dorothy said, "Oh, this time she's doing it at her home!"