Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Sunday Funnies

We were riding in the car, and Dorothy asked, "Mom, does 'street' begin with an Ss, or something silent?"

Dorothy sings to her phone and it identifies songs for her.  She told me in surprise, "Mom, it's not called On the First Day of Christmas, it's called The Twelve Days of Christmas!"

Dorothy asked for a taste of Brian's chocolate soda, ran to the kitchen, and returned with a soup ladle.  "I brought the yodle-y thing," she said.

We watched Floor is Lava, a games show on Netflix, which begins with the introduction of the teams, and their personal stories.  After the game finished they announced the winner, and Dorothy jumped around in excitement, and cheered, "Yay!  They really needed the ten thousand dollars!"

I looked-up an author that we enjoyed, and commented that he is still alive and 95 years old.  "That's even older than you and daddy!" Dorothy responded.

We were in a neighbor's backyard, which included a swimming pool, a jungle gym, a water table, a climbing dome, a sprinkler, and a few other toys.  We overheard Dorothy tell her friend, "You have everything you need!"