Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Willa Funnies

Today is our one year anniversary of spending afternoons with Willa!  In honor of the day, I present The Willa Funnies:

Looking at the deep end of the pool, Willa asked, "When are we going to get to jump off that surfboard?"

The girls ran across the grass and stopped short before the street.  "That was great," I said, "and look, you're still alive!"  "Heaven is a wonderful place," Willa replied.

"Willa, I like your new shoes.  When you go home tonight, I want you to count how many pairs of shoes you have, and let me know," I said.  "I can't count that high," admitted Willa.

Willa was playing with a cookie cutter shaped like the State of Georgia.  "Nice State of Georgia," I said.  "It's not the State of Georgia, it's a kitty cat," Willa said.  "I see how it looks like a kitty cat," I said, "but really it's the State of Georgia."  "The State of Georgia just said 'meow,'" Willa replied.

"I'm either allergic to something or something bit me," I said, "because since we were kneeling in the grass, my legs feel like they're on fire."
"Perhaps a fire ant bit you," Dorothy offered.
"Or a little alligator," Willa added.

Willa was excited to eat some Cheerios that she brought home from school on Halloween.  It was surprising she was making such a big deal about it, until she pulled from her backpack a bag of Oreos.

I introduced Dorothy and Willa to another mom at the playground.  "Willa?" the mom asked.  "W-i-l-l-a?"  Willa squealed, "How does she know how to spell my name?!"

We watched The Lion King and Willa said that she likes "the little lion Zumba".