Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Sunday Funnies

Dorothy:  Will you read me this Betsy book?
Sarah:  No, I'm busy right now.
Dorothy:  You don't want to read me the Besty book, and Dad doesn't want to read me the Betsy book, and I want to read the Betsy book, but I can't read!

I gave Dorothy two cute pencils and she insisted on sharpening both right away.  Then she tested both the pink pencil and the purple pencil and said with disappointment, "They both write grey."

Dorothy asked to eat a "Kitty Kat" (a Kit Kat), and Brian started to sing the jingle for her, which she had never heard.
Brian:  Gimme a break, gimme a break, break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar!
Sarah continued:  That chocolate crispy taste is gonna make you... (pause, trying to think of lyrics)
Dorothy offered:  Thirsty?

Dorothy saw a picture in a catalog of a kid playing inside a cardboard box that had been made to look like a television.  We took out a box, and she explained to Brian what she wanted to do:  "We'll cut a hole to make a 'card box' t.v., and I'll crawl inside, and then I will talk about stuff."