Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Sunday Funnies

We attended a bike-around-the-block birthday party that ended with popsicles in a yard.  As we left, Dorothy proclaimed, "This was the best birthday party I've ever had!"

Dorothy was eating a store-bought dill pickle.  She commented, "Mmm, Mama, it still has a hint of cucumber."

I told Dorothy that she had to wait 10 minutes before I helped her with something.  "What?!" she whined.  "Ten sets of sixty seconds?!"

I opened my YouTube channel, and Dorothy looked at my screen and observed, "All of these videos feature me."

Dorothy watched YouTube videos made by children and families who are acting out different sketches.  Although she has been watching these videos for many months, she just told me, "I'm noticing that all the men characters in the videos have the same voices as the dads in the videos."

Dorothy and Willa were playing "wedding" (or, as Dorothy says, "whetting").  "You know what you can do as soon as you get married?" Dorothy asked Willa.  My ears perked up.  "You can get divorced," Dorothy informed her.

I said, "I'm going to watch the school board meeting today.  They're talking about school this fall, which will probably be virtual.  Do you know what that means?"  Dorothy replied with dread, "Freezing computers."

I was explaining to Dorothy that when I was a teenager, you couldn't talk on the house phone and use the internet at the same time.  "But that's not good," she said, "because what if you were on the phone and you needed to buy a dress before it went out of stock?"