Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Sunday Funny (Joke's on Dorothy)

So, we've been in the house for a while, and really, it's going fine.  But Dorothy is inclined to turn-down options; she doesn't want to go outside when I suggest it, and so forth.  I've come up with a solution that's working so well I practically feel guilty.  I call it "mystery card".  I have written activities on index cards and each day Dorothy gets to draw a card and do that activity.  Now, these are just basic fun that Dorothy would normally reject, like "paint with watercolors" or "blow bubbles", but dang if when I put it on a card she doesn't look forward to it, beg for it, and then enthusiastically do it.

I've also invented a part of our day called "oldie but goodie", where she needs to find a toy she hasn't used in a while and play with it.

Mystery card:  Mama's little watercolors