Monday, August 31, 2020

Bad news, good news

Bad news:  Dorothy fell off her bike yesterday and cracked her helmet.

Good news:  She is okay, and got a new helmet out of the deal.

(When she was wee, and barely talking, I chose a bike helmet for her at Target that was light blue with a street scene.  She understood shopping, and when we moved to the next aisle, though she talked very little, she demanded, "Pink!  Butterflies!  Go back!"  So we went back and got the pink helmet with the butterflies.  As you can see, once again, Dorothy chose her own helmet.)

Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Sunday Funnies

I gave Dorothy some canned fruit cocktail, and she argued that it was not actually a cocktail.  I told her that a cocktail means a mix of different ingredients, and she argued that I sometimes make a drink for her that is a cocktail.  "Well," I said, "that's a mix of a drink and ice."  "Well," she said, "sometimes you give me a mix of water and ice and call it a cocktail, and technically ice and water are the same thing."

Dorothy said, "Oh no!  I stretched out my slinky!  Can somebody stretch it in?"

Dorothy was playing detective and wanted to create a distraction, or as she said, "a distractment."

We had not let Dorothy watch any cartoons one day, and she argued, "Your child should have 2 hours of screen time each day."

Walking in the heat, I commented, "It's like a sauna out here."  Dorothy agreed, "Yeah, even though I don't know what that feels like."

We picked up groceries which included something from Pillsbury, and she looked at the bag and asked, "What's in there?  I see the Puff Man!"

We were discussing cookie dough, and Dorothy commented that kids "can't eat rotten eggs."

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Friday, August 28, 2020

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Monday, August 24, 2020

Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Sunday Funnies

We were looking at titles of the books in our neighborhood's little library, all standing erect on a shelf.  Dorothy referred to a book that she thought was for someone older than her, but I said, "This is the real meaning of You can't judge a book by its cover."  Dorothy responded, "Well, in this case, it's You can't judge a book by its spine."

I looked at an image of a flower and suggested that it was a lily of the valley.  Dorothy immediately chimed-in, "Oh, I know what a lily of the valley is:  a highly poisonous woodland flowering plant."  (Thanks again to her podcasts.)

Friday, August 21, 2020

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Monday, August 17, 2020

Sunday, August 16, 2020

The Sunday Funnies

We were visiting a waterside neighborhood and sitting on a public bench.  I asked Brian if he thought the city or the nearby house owned the enormous tree.  "Why would you ask such a ridiculous question?" Dorothy laughed.  "Nobody owns trees!"

Dorothy was playing with her skirt, and I said, "Your skirt sounds like a flag flapping in the wind."  "In Chicago," she added.

I was deciding who would make a choice first and I asked Dorothy and Willa to pick a number between 1 and 10.  Dorothy chose 9, and when Willa chose 10, Dorothy objected, "Mom said a number between 1 and 10."

We were reading a book and reached an exciting conclusion of a chapter.  "Daddy loves dead ends," Dorothy noted.  "What?" I asked.  She repeated it.  "Daddy loves dead ends...I mean cliffhangers."

Friday, August 14, 2020

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

We visited the Isle of Hope neighborhood and did some plein air painting

 While we were getting ready to go, I was looking for a good paper.  Dorothy reminded me, "You can't judge a painting paper by its texture!"


Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Sunday Funnies

We were riding in the car, and Dorothy asked, "Mom, does 'street' begin with an Ss, or something silent?"

Dorothy sings to her phone and it identifies songs for her.  She told me in surprise, "Mom, it's not called On the First Day of Christmas, it's called The Twelve Days of Christmas!"

Dorothy asked for a taste of Brian's chocolate soda, ran to the kitchen, and returned with a soup ladle.  "I brought the yodle-y thing," she said.

We watched Floor is Lava, a games show on Netflix, which begins with the introduction of the teams, and their personal stories.  After the game finished they announced the winner, and Dorothy jumped around in excitement, and cheered, "Yay!  They really needed the ten thousand dollars!"

I looked-up an author that we enjoyed, and commented that he is still alive and 95 years old.  "That's even older than you and daddy!" Dorothy responded.

We were in a neighbor's backyard, which included a swimming pool, a jungle gym, a water table, a climbing dome, a sprinkler, and a few other toys.  We overheard Dorothy tell her friend, "You have everything you need!"

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Today was supposed to be the first day of kindergarten

Our start date has been pushed-back to August 19 and the year will begin virtually.  But as you can see, I've been collecting uniforms and school supplies for quite some time.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Monday, August 3, 2020

Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Sunday Funnies

We were playing a card game where the numbers have cute vegetable faces on them, and Brian laid down a card and said, "There's crazy green onion guy."  Dorothy said right away, "I believe that's pronounced 'celery.'"

Dorothy refused to eat the foods we had prepared for her dinner, and we were fussing about it at length.  Eventually, Dorothy started talking in a funny voice, and added, "Will a bunch of laughs get you over my dinner thing?"

I pointed out a scar on Dorothy's knee, and she said plaintively, "I miss having my normal knee."

Dorothy heard the music of the ice cream truck in the neighborhood.  We grabbed shoes and Dorothy, Willa, and I started running through the streets on a truck hunt.  Dorothy, excited, exclaimed, "I'd recognize that music anywhere!"

Dorothy was feeding a miniature pony at a farm, and ran to me excitedly and said, "Mom, that horse has braces!"

With frequency, Dorothy has been misusing the phrase "You can't judge a book by its cover."  For example, she mentioned a story about a wolf and a rabbit, and I said that it was a fox and a rabbit, and she said, "Oh well, you can't judge a book by its cover.  I guess we'll have to watch it again and see."

Brian and Dorothy were watching the Swedish Chef on the Muppets, and when he took off his glasses, his normal bushy eyebrows showed.  Dorothy said, "Look, his eyes are mustaches!"