Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Sunday Funnies

During virtual school, Dorothy was disappointed when some other kids answered questions right.  "Dorothy, do you actually want the other kids to say the wrong answer?" I asked.  "Yes," she said, "because when they get it wrong, Ms. All calls on me."

We were listening to our favorite singer.  "Taylor Swift really likes to talk about liking someone and then getting mad at them," Dorothy rightly noted.

We were taking a walk and I saw that a neighbor had pulled her trash bin out next to the Trump sign in her yard.  "Look," I said, "Trump's out with the trash!"  Dorothy observed, "But the sign is still plugged into the yard."

"This nail polish remover is really crappy," I said.  "Let me put a new one on the grocery list."  I wrote "nail polish remover" on the list.  "Now write 'that's not crappy,'" Dorothy added.