Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Sunday Funnies

We were watching a YouTube video called "Jelle's Marble Runs."  The set-up is a course for a marble run, filmed and narrated as though you're watching a live sporting event.  There are even stands full of fans (marbles).  It's surprisingly engaging.  At the end of a series of races, the marbles ascended stairs in stop-motion, carrying a tealight Olympic torch, up to the winner's podium.  "They must be so proud," Dorothy observed.

Dorothy likes soft-boiled eggs, and the eggs we usually buy are brown.  We happened to buy white eggs, and when I picked-up an egg and cracked it, Dorothy said, "I thought those eggs were already peeled!"

Dorothy appeared in the living room from bed.  "If I had three people in my heart, Willa would have one-quarter of my heart, you would have one quarter and one-half of one quarter of my heart, and Dad would have one quarter and one-half of one quarter of my heart."