Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Sunday Funnies

Dorothy wanted to do a laundry load comprised of her doll's clothes.  For some reason she named it the "baby wash," as in, "Oh!  I know where the missing dress is.  It's in the baby wash."

We saw a dead squirrel on the road on our walk to the playground; on the way home, it was gone.  "Maybe it was playing dead," I suggested.  Dorothy answered thoughtfully, "Well, I didn't see any cuts on it, or flat parts."

Dorothy was watching a YouTube video of a young lady who sets-up enormous domino art.  This time, the venue seemed foreign.  "I think they're in another country," I said.  "I don't recognize the language that man is speaking."  "I don't know what country they're in," Dorothy answered.  A moment later, she added, "The girl said that she is breaking the Turkish record."

[Flashback to our Christmas travels]:  Dorothy observed the graffiti covering an entire bathroom door.  She asked about it, and I answered that someone wrote all of it.  "They had a lot to say," she replied.
Then she started asking questions.  "I don't know what that word means," I said.  "I think that person can't spell very well."  "Why not?" Dorothy wondered.  "They were a big person because they wrote all the way up to the top of the door."