Sunday, July 12, 2020

The Sunday Funnies

Dorothy and Willa were absorbed all day in playing pretend, and I kept popping into the bedroom to check in on them.  Dorothy told me, "You're like Jack the Narrator in The Stinky Cheese Man.  You keep popping into stories where you don't belong!"

We watched fireworks on the Fourth of July, and Dorothy commented that she likes "the ones that sizzle."

Dorothy's book showed pictures of mice doing naughty things.  One mouse had broken a piggy bank and coins were spilling out.  "Oh, this mouse busted the piñata at the party before it was time," she reasoned.

(I found some drafts of Sunday Funnies that I never published -- enjoy some old ones below!)

Days after her ballet recital, Dorothy dressed-up in the full costume and did a living room performance.  She nailed the moves, until the third verse of the song.  Then she froze and looked at me in confusion and said, "I forgot.  I forgot the moves."  That's when I remembered that the ballet teacher fades the song and offers a shortened version for the little ones!

Dorothy is into dramatic whines nowadays --

You never buy me strawberries anymore!

Dorothy whined that her friend got balloons for her birthday, and we reminded her that we took her to Disney World for her birthday.  "You took me to Disney World but the only thing I liked was the teacups!" she cried.

Dorothy is into offering solutions lately --

Mom:  My throat hurts, so I don't want to eat anything scratchy.
Dorothy:  How about you could eat a banana because those are smooth?

Mom:  I don't want to think about how dirty this Taco Bell is.
Dorothy:  Maybe you could just not think about it?