Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Sunday Funnies

Dorothy has lately enjoyed freezing water containing various objects and dyes and playing with the melting ice.  She told me, "I like to put something in the freezer each night so that it's getting ready for me the next day.  I like knowing that something is happening and waiting for me."  "I get it," I said.  "I feel that way when I buy something online and have a package coming to me in the mail.  I like the anticipation."  "Maybe you should start freezing things," Dorothy suggested.

I'll spare you the details, but Dorothy was explaining why she prefers coughing in the pool instead of clearing her nose of water.  I asked, "But do you see other kids choosing to cough?"  And she replied, "I know, Mom, but I don't want to contribute to the grossness of the pool."